Egg Freezing – Perk or illusion? What does India think?

The likes of Facebook and Google, may have created a huge buzz in the global media on how the women who chose to make their careers with them will now enjoy a very unique perk. Sure, names in the silicon valley would follow. The perks are a pay of up-to $20000 for freezing the egg of the women, who will then go on to make a blazing career, and postpone the joy of child bearing to a later date.

Experts in India, however, opine that the euphoria over such a perk is misplaced, and may not really work in the Indian context. This is mainly due to the cultural and value ecosystem, due to which a married women may really not be able to postpone having children for a long time.

Dr Samundi Sankari, Founder and Medical Director, Srusthi IVF Fertility Centre opined – “Its a wrong notion to think that every women who has her eggs frozen would be successful in bearing a child at a much later date. Although, we have the technology that can freeze eggs for posterity, the fact remains that there are a host of other factors involved in a successful IVF procedure. It will be ethically wrong to portray that such perks are a guarantee for a healthy pregnancy and child. Freezing eggs does not guarantee any such. Also, the IVF process, by its invasive nature, offers only a much lesser rate of success at a later age of women.”

For a HR perspective, we spoke to D Venkatesan, Director of Chennai headquartered search firm Strides Consulting. He said – “In my experience of managing rewards for candidates, what really works as a morale booster at the workplace are tangible rewards. Egg freezing perks, clearly are grossly misleading from the point of the final outcome. Its just a hype, and the cash rich valley techies are making much ado about nothing, with their ability to throw cash. In the case of egg-freezing, when we consider the view of medical professionals, it is clear that the outcome is not just assured”

“There are many other ways in which the corporate can communicate that the women employees are more than equal; Egg Freezing perks certainly do not in reality make the women equal” he emphatically added.

Clearly, India Inc may not be enthused with the hue and cry on Egg Freezing perks its look like

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Egg Freezing – Perk or illusion? What does India think?